Share Your Accomplishments & Milestones with an LTEN Badge on LinkedIn

Now, when you complete an LTEN certificate course or eLearning Lounge, win a special accolade, become part of the LTEN volunteer community, or partner with LTEN as a Preferred Industry Partner, we’ll send you a digital badge you can use across your social networks to celebrate your accomplishments.

Have questions about the LTEN digital badges? Email us at

Two Options to Share on LinkedIn:

Share as a LinkedIn Post

  1. Check your email for the Congratulations email from Badgr
  2. Select the LinkedIn button.
  3. If you are not signed in to LinkedIn, you will be prompted to enter your LinkedIn credentials.
  4. Once you sign in (or if you are already signed in), a dialog box will display the badge image and corresponding details with sharing options.
  5. Choose Share in a post – This will post the badge to your LinkedIn feed. You may include an optional update with the badge. This update might include providing more context around the badge you earned.

Add to Your LinkedIn Profile’s Certificates:

  1. Click ‘Go to Account’ on your Congratulations email from Badgr to create a Badgr account using the email address you received your congratulations email. Later, you can add additional emails to your Badgr profile.
  2. From your Badgr Backpack, select the Award you want to share. Copy the share link.
  3. Sign in to LinkedIn and navigate to your profile.
  4. Click “add section.” Navigate to “Licenses & Certificates.”
  5. Fill out the License or Certificate dialog box with the following:
  • Name: LTEN ______ Badge.
  • Issuing organization: Life Sciences Trainers & Educators Network.
  • Leave “This credential does not expire:” checked.
  • Issue Date: Add the month and year you received the badge.
  • Credential ID: Leave blank. Credential URL: Paste the URL you copied from Badgr.

What are digital badges?

A digital badge is a visual symbol of accomplishment. They can be shared via social media and added to your Linkedin Profiles certifications section to build your credibility and recognize your efforts.

Why is LTEN awarding digital badges?

Issuing digital badges to LTEN volunteers, certificate earners and award finalists/winners allows us to provide members with a sharable tool that amplifies their achievement. 

What is Badgr?

LTEN is using Badgr to issue and manage a standardized type of digital badges called Open Badges. A digital badge is a visual symbol of accomplishment. They can be awarded for any definable achievement.

I can't find my Badgr or LTEN badge email.

Email us at and we’ll issue you a new badge.

The badge was issued to me but I can't see it in my backpack.

If you created a Badgr account with an email address that is different that the one you received the Badgr badge email, you can add more email addresses by clicking on Profile icon in the upper right hand corner and clicking on Account Settings. 

Once on the settings page, click on the Add Email to add additional emails to your account. 

Follow the instructions to verify the new email address. 

Additional badges awarded to you via other email addresses will then appear in your Badgr backpack. 

Why create a Badgr account?

When you create a Badgr account, you will be able to locate all of your current and future LTEN badges in one central location. The Badgr backpack also allows you to organize and share those badges from a central location. 

Who do I contact if I'm having issues using the badge or adding it to my account?

Use the chat tool at or reach out via to reach an LTEN member. 

You can also watch this quick video to see how it all works.